user Ratings 9,2 / 10 Stars
Year 1972
stars Diane Keaton
score 1537293 Votes
Summary The Godfather "Don" Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone mafia family in New York. He is at the event of his daughter's wedding. Michael, Vito's youngest son and a decorated WW II Marine is also present at the wedding. Michael seems to be uninterested in being a part of the family business. Vito is a powerful man, and is kind to all those who give him respect but is ruthless against those who do not. But when a powerful and treacherous rival wants to sell drugs and needs the Don's influence for the same, Vito refuses to do it. What follows is a clash between Vito's fading old values and the new ways which may cause Michael to do the thing he was most reluctant in doing and wage a mob war against all the other mafia families which could tear the Corleone family apart
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The godfather theme remix.
The godfather gameplay.
Where does it say that you can't kill a cop? Decades later and I'm still uncertain how to respond to that line.
The godfather wwe.
People always ask me this question why do you like "The Godfather. I always tell them, you have to see it to know it.
Vito Corleone the Godfathaer is fair, just. He smuggles gold but he won't deal in drugs and prostitution rackets because that's "infamita. He won't hesitate to kill a few Tattagilas because the world doesn't need them. He is angry with the establishment but that won't make him kill innocent people.
The Godfather stays true to Mario Puzo's book. The dialogues are the same as well.
What makes The Godfather special is that it's not a gangster film but a film about people who happen to be gangsters. At the end of the film you'd feel to take Coppola's hand and call him the Godfather.
The godfather song.
The godfather opening scene. The godfather: part ii. The story is a lament. The music is a dirge, mourning the passing of civilized society... The story warns what happens when institutions fail. The godfather 2 game. I love Clemenza's reaction to Sonny when Sonny wants assurance from him that someone very good shall plant the gun in the toilet for Michael. Clemenza's reaction is like, bitch, I have been killing people since you were playing comedy with all those cheerleaders.
The godfather book. Lol i agree. i love the Godfather and this trailer was just pure fun practice in editing. i didnt expect 200k views for this trailer but im happy that it did. My Gf: will u ever stop listening to this Me: That i cannot do. The godfather's pizza. The godfather part ii. The godfather 1972. The godfather full movie in hindi dubbed. I always felt like Corleone was warning the others that the mafia in the world of The Godfather would become the mafia in the world of Goodfellas, which is exactly what happened. The godfather audiobook.
Is it just me or is Sonny HAWWWT. I wish my family were like the corleone's. IMDb is mistaken. The music after the gunshots is the best part of the scene. Only a true opera lover, like Coppola, would know this level of action must be punctuated by two or three bars from the horn section. I literally looked this up after ordering Chinese food, lol. The godfather movie. The godfather theme piano. The godfather music. The godfather ii. I never picture anyone in the 40s in America eating Chinese food. The Gratest Movie Of Classic Movies In History Its My Best Movie 100. The godfather 2 cast. The godfather ost. This scene was definitely the inspiration behind Cersei's Revenge at the end of GOT season 6, with the organ music, the inclusion of a church in the scene, and the abrupt killing of all your rivals. The only difference is that the use of the church is inverted. Here, the church is the safe space, while in GOT, the church is where the death happens.
The godfather full movie. The godfather soundtrack. The godfather epic. The godfather 2. Scenes like this prove why the 70s was the best decade for film. Thegodfather of harlem. The godfather logo. Damn that Chinese food looks good ! Lol. The godfather watch. The godfather theme guitar. The godfather scene. The godfather guitar. I wonder what the other diners thought when The Turk grabbed at Mike's crotch. 4:27 Sniper level hard. He doesnt need an AK47 or something like this...
The godfather it was my fault
The godfather violin. Look at those nice BIG Oranges in front of Tattaglia and Barzini. I just saw this film for the first time and it has to be my new favourite. Movie perfection. Greatest ever.